
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Password Saver is a Very Important Tool

There are many important aspects to take into consideration when you are a new business owner on the internet.

One of them is something you may not have considered yet: A Password Saver
Why is this important?
After all you can save paswords in your browser and in a notepad or word document.

1.When you save passwords in your browser, they are not secure for many reasons. To stay safe don´t do it.

2. If you save passwords in a document, there is nothing wrong with that providing you have a really good security programme.
A problem that you often don´t notice is that when you copy the password there is a big chance you will also include spaces or capital letters by mistake. (It is very easy to press capslock or a space after the last *)without noticing it.

Okay, that´s two important negative sides.
Here is a positive solution to your problem that is FREE.

Enjoy Your Day!

1 comment:

sandy petals said...

That's interesting Coralie, but why would you need one?

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